Articles by Jeremy Weinstein
Topic List (click on a topic to view the articles.)
Energy Trading and Financial Commodity Derivatives
"Quicksand in the Hedges," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Nov. 2011.
"The Nature of the Thing," Environmental Finance, June 2011 (co-authored with Christopher Berendt).
"How the Dodd-Frank Act Will Bring Back Stagflation," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Jan. 2011.
"Contract Techniques for Renewable Resource Power Purchase Agreement Off-Takers," chapter in Kramer & Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Project Finance Law and Taxation: New Investment Techniques (Oxford University Press, 2010).
"Contract Force Majeure under New York Law," chapter in Kramer & Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Project Finance Law and Taxation: New Investment Techniques (Oxford University Press, 2010).
"The ABA/EMA/ACORE Master Renewable Energy Certificate Trading Agreement," Bloomberg Law Reports: Sustainable Energy, vol. 2 no. 9, p. 11 (Sept. 2009).
"The Electric House," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Jan. 2009 (with Noel Trask).
"Practical Considerations When Trading Electricity on Standardized Industry Forms," Kramer and Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Trading: US Law and Taxation (2008).
"Contract Force Majeure under New York Law," Kramer and Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Trading: US Law and Taxation (2008).
"Energy Trading with Hedge Funds," Kramer and Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Trading: US Law and Taxation (2008).
"New Master Renewable Energy Certificate Trading Agreement," American Bar Association Energy Committees Newsletter, May 2007.
"Contract Supports National RECs Market," Solar Today, May/Jun. 2007
"On the Path to Renewable Energy Certificates Derivatives," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Apr. 2007.
Introduction and Guidance Notes, ABA/EMA/ACORE Master Renewable Energy Certificate Purchase and Sale Agreement, Feb. 2007 (with other working group members credited therein).
"Energy Trading Contracting with Hedge Funds," Proceedings of the 58th Annual Institute on Oil and Gas Law, p.191 (2007).
"Practical Considerations Regarding Electricity and its Regulation When Using the ISDA/EEI Power Annex," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Jul./Aug. 2006.
"Escape from the Island of the One-Way Termination: Expectations and Enron v. TXU," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Nov. 2004 (with Bruce MacIntyre & Fritz Henze) (cited in Merten, Australian Insolvency Law and the 1992 ISDA Master Agreement- Catalyst, Reaction and Solution, 15 Pac. Rim L.& Pol'y J., 233 (2006).
"Master Netting Agreement Developments in the Energy Industry," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, May 2003 (cited in Gooch & Klein, Documentation for Derivatives (Euromoney), and in the Journal of Futures Markets).
"Examining Enron's SO2 Emission Trades," Environmental Finance, Mar. 2003 (cited by the World Bank Centre for International Sustainable Development Law and the Environmental Law Reporter).
"Using the Emissions Marketing Association Master Agreement," The Emissions Trader, Mar. 2003.
"What's Missing from Andrew Fastow's Indictment?," Energy & Power Risk Management, Jan. 2003 (published as "Fastow Under Investigation").
"Carbon-Denominated Weather Swaps," Environmental Finance, Nov. 2001 (cited in Ali & Yano, Eco-Finance: The Legal Design and Regulation of Market-Based Environmental Instruments, 2004; doctoral theses submitted by candidates at the University of California, Berkeley and L'Universite Claude Bernard- Lyon).
"Inside California's Power Crisis," Energy & Power Risk Management, Mar. 2001.
"Valuing Private Equity Warrants on Initial Issuance," Valuation Strategies, Sep./Oct. 1999 and Derivatives Report, Oct. 1999 (cited by Shannon Pratt in his core textbook, "Valuing a Business: The Analysis and Appraisal of Closely Held Companies," 4th ed.).
"Regulation of Over-The-Counter Financial Derivatives," Contra Costa Lawyer, Feb. 1994.
"The Nature of the Thing," Environmental Finance, June 2011 (co-authored with Christopher Berendt).
"How the Dodd-Frank Act Will Bring Back Stagflation," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Jan. 2011.
"Contract Techniques for Renewable Resource Power Purchase Agreement Off-Takers," chapter in Kramer & Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Project Finance Law and Taxation: New Investment Techniques (Oxford University Press, 2010).
"Contract Force Majeure under New York Law," chapter in Kramer & Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Project Finance Law and Taxation: New Investment Techniques (Oxford University Press, 2010).
"The ABA/EMA/ACORE Master Renewable Energy Certificate Trading Agreement," Bloomberg Law Reports: Sustainable Energy, vol. 2 no. 9, p. 11 (Sept. 2009).
"The Electric House," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Jan. 2009 (with Noel Trask).
"Practical Considerations When Trading Electricity on Standardized Industry Forms," Kramer and Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Trading: US Law and Taxation (2008).
"Contract Force Majeure under New York Law," Kramer and Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Trading: US Law and Taxation (2008).
"Energy Trading with Hedge Funds," Kramer and Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Trading: US Law and Taxation (2008).
"New Master Renewable Energy Certificate Trading Agreement," American Bar Association Energy Committees Newsletter, May 2007.
"Contract Supports National RECs Market," Solar Today, May/Jun. 2007
"On the Path to Renewable Energy Certificates Derivatives," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Apr. 2007.
Introduction and Guidance Notes, ABA/EMA/ACORE Master Renewable Energy Certificate Purchase and Sale Agreement, Feb. 2007 (with other working group members credited therein).
"Energy Trading Contracting with Hedge Funds," Proceedings of the 58th Annual Institute on Oil and Gas Law, p.191 (2007).
"Practical Considerations Regarding Electricity and its Regulation When Using the ISDA/EEI Power Annex," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Jul./Aug. 2006.
"Escape from the Island of the One-Way Termination: Expectations and Enron v. TXU," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Nov. 2004 (with Bruce MacIntyre & Fritz Henze) (cited in Merten, Australian Insolvency Law and the 1992 ISDA Master Agreement- Catalyst, Reaction and Solution, 15 Pac. Rim L.& Pol'y J., 233 (2006).
"Master Netting Agreement Developments in the Energy Industry," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, May 2003 (cited in Gooch & Klein, Documentation for Derivatives (Euromoney), and in the Journal of Futures Markets).
"Examining Enron's SO2 Emission Trades," Environmental Finance, Mar. 2003 (cited by the World Bank Centre for International Sustainable Development Law and the Environmental Law Reporter).
"Using the Emissions Marketing Association Master Agreement," The Emissions Trader, Mar. 2003.
"What's Missing from Andrew Fastow's Indictment?," Energy & Power Risk Management, Jan. 2003 (published as "Fastow Under Investigation").
"Carbon-Denominated Weather Swaps," Environmental Finance, Nov. 2001 (cited in Ali & Yano, Eco-Finance: The Legal Design and Regulation of Market-Based Environmental Instruments, 2004; doctoral theses submitted by candidates at the University of California, Berkeley and L'Universite Claude Bernard- Lyon).
"Inside California's Power Crisis," Energy & Power Risk Management, Mar. 2001.
"Valuing Private Equity Warrants on Initial Issuance," Valuation Strategies, Sep./Oct. 1999 and Derivatives Report, Oct. 1999 (cited by Shannon Pratt in his core textbook, "Valuing a Business: The Analysis and Appraisal of Closely Held Companies," 4th ed.).
"Regulation of Over-The-Counter Financial Derivatives," Contra Costa Lawyer, Feb. 1994.
Corporate and Securities
"The Nature of the Thing," Environmental Finance, June 2011 (co-authored with Christopher Berendt)
"How the Dodd-Frank Act Will Bring Back Stagflation," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Jan. 2011.
"What's Missing from Andrew Fastow's Indictment?," Energy & Power Risk Management, Jan. 2003 (published as "Fastow Under Investigation").
"Rethinking the Silicon Valley Cargo Cult," Wilmott's Quantitative Finance Journal, Jan. 2002.
"Innovative Financing and Forest Conservation," Environmental Finance, Jun. 2000.
"Valuing Private Equity Warrants on Initial Issuance," Valuation Strategies, Sep./Oct. 1999 and Derivatives Report, Oct. 1999 (cited by Shannon Pratt in his "Valuing a Business: The Analysis and Appraisal of Closely Held Companies," 4th ed.).
"Regulation of Over-The-Counter Financial Derivatives," Contra Costa Lawyer, Feb. 1994.
"Recent Developments in Securities Law," Contra Costa Lawyer, Aug. 1993.
"How the Dodd-Frank Act Will Bring Back Stagflation," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Jan. 2011.
"What's Missing from Andrew Fastow's Indictment?," Energy & Power Risk Management, Jan. 2003 (published as "Fastow Under Investigation").
"Rethinking the Silicon Valley Cargo Cult," Wilmott's Quantitative Finance Journal, Jan. 2002.
"Innovative Financing and Forest Conservation," Environmental Finance, Jun. 2000.
"Valuing Private Equity Warrants on Initial Issuance," Valuation Strategies, Sep./Oct. 1999 and Derivatives Report, Oct. 1999 (cited by Shannon Pratt in his "Valuing a Business: The Analysis and Appraisal of Closely Held Companies," 4th ed.).
"Regulation of Over-The-Counter Financial Derivatives," Contra Costa Lawyer, Feb. 1994.
"Recent Developments in Securities Law," Contra Costa Lawyer, Aug. 1993.
Renewable Energy
"The Nature of the Thing," Environmental Finance, June 2011 (co-authored with Christopher Berendt)
"Contract Techniques for Renewable Resource Power Purchase Agreement Off-Takers," chapter in Kramer & Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Project Finance Law and Taxation: New Investment Techniques (Oxford University Press, 2010);
"The ABA/EMA/ACORE Master Renewable Energy Certificate Trading Agreement," Bloomberg Law Reports: Sustainable Energy, vol. 2 no. 9, p. 11 (Sept. 2009);
"The New ABA/EMA/ACORE Master Renewable Energy Certificate Trading Agreement," Kramer and Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Trading: US Law and Taxation (2008).
"New Master Renewable Energy Certificate Trading Agreement," American Bar Association Energy Committees Newsletter, May 2007.
"Contract Supports National RECs Market," Solar Today, May/Jun 2007
"On the Path to Renewable Energy Certificates Derivatives," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Apr. 2007.
Introduction and Guidance Notes, ABA/EMA/ACORE Master Renewable Energy Certificate Purchase and Sale Agreement, Feb. 2007 (with other working group members credited therein).
"Contracting for a Unified Renewable Energy Certificates Market," Environmental Finance, Nov. 2006.
"Standardizing Renewable Energy Certificates Contracting," Environmental Finance, May 2005 (with Dan Chartier).
"A Western Renewables Marketplace," Environmental Finance, Apr. 2004 (has been part of course syllabi at Boalt Hall law school).
"Contract Techniques for Renewable Resource Power Purchase Agreement Off-Takers," chapter in Kramer & Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Project Finance Law and Taxation: New Investment Techniques (Oxford University Press, 2010);
"The ABA/EMA/ACORE Master Renewable Energy Certificate Trading Agreement," Bloomberg Law Reports: Sustainable Energy, vol. 2 no. 9, p. 11 (Sept. 2009);
"The New ABA/EMA/ACORE Master Renewable Energy Certificate Trading Agreement," Kramer and Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Trading: US Law and Taxation (2008).
"New Master Renewable Energy Certificate Trading Agreement," American Bar Association Energy Committees Newsletter, May 2007.
"Contract Supports National RECs Market," Solar Today, May/Jun 2007
"On the Path to Renewable Energy Certificates Derivatives," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Apr. 2007.
Introduction and Guidance Notes, ABA/EMA/ACORE Master Renewable Energy Certificate Purchase and Sale Agreement, Feb. 2007 (with other working group members credited therein).
"Contracting for a Unified Renewable Energy Certificates Market," Environmental Finance, Nov. 2006.
"Standardizing Renewable Energy Certificates Contracting," Environmental Finance, May 2005 (with Dan Chartier).
"A Western Renewables Marketplace," Environmental Finance, Apr. 2004 (has been part of course syllabi at Boalt Hall law school).
Emissions Trading: Commoditization of Environmental Markets
"The Nature of the Thing," Environmental Finance, June 2011 (co-authored with Christopher Berendt)
"Contract Techniques for Renewable Resource Power Purchase Agreement Off-Takers," chapter in Kramer & Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Project Finance Law and Taxation: New Investment Techniques (Oxford University Press, 2010);
"The ABA/EMA/ACORE Master Renewable Energy Certificate Trading Agreement," Bloomberg Law Reports: Sustainable Energy, vol. 2 no. 9, p. 11 (Sept. 2009);
"The New ABA/EMA/ACORE Master Renewable Energy Certificate Trading Agreement," Kramer and Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Trading: US Law and Taxation (2008).
"New Master Renewable Energy Certificate Trading Agreement," American Bar Association Energy Committees Newsletter, May 2007.
"Contract Supports National RECs Market," Solar Today, May/Jun 2007
"On the Path to Renewable Energy Certificates Derivatives," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Apr. 2007.
Introduction and Guidance Notes, ABA/EMA/ACORE Master Renewable Energy Certificate Purchase and Sale Agreement, Feb. 2007 (with other working group members credited therein).
"Contracting for a Unified Renewable Energy Certificates Market," Environmental Finance, Nov. 2006.
"Standardizing Renewable Energy Certificates Contracting," Environmental Finance, May 2005 (with Dan Chartier).
"A Western Renewables Marketplace," Environmental Finance, Apr. 2004.
"Examining Enron's SO2 Emission Trades," Environmental Finance, Mar. 2003 (cited by the World Bank Centre for International Sustainable Development Law and the Environmental Law Reporter).
"Using the Emissions Marketing Association Master Agreement," The Emissions Trader, Mar. 2003.
"Carbon-Denominated Weather Swaps," Environmental Finance, Nov. 2001 (cited in Ali & Yano, Eco-Finance: The Legal Design and Regulation of Market-Based Environmental Instruments, 2004; doctoral theses submitted by candidates at the University of California, Berkeley and L'Universite Claude Bernard- Lyon).
"Emissions Trading: The Market as Mystic," Energy & Power Risk Management, Nov. 2000.
"Innovative Financing and Forest Conservation," Environmental Finance, Jun. 2000.
"Contract Techniques for Renewable Resource Power Purchase Agreement Off-Takers," chapter in Kramer & Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Project Finance Law and Taxation: New Investment Techniques (Oxford University Press, 2010);
"The ABA/EMA/ACORE Master Renewable Energy Certificate Trading Agreement," Bloomberg Law Reports: Sustainable Energy, vol. 2 no. 9, p. 11 (Sept. 2009);
"The New ABA/EMA/ACORE Master Renewable Energy Certificate Trading Agreement," Kramer and Fusaro, Energy and Environmental Trading: US Law and Taxation (2008).
"New Master Renewable Energy Certificate Trading Agreement," American Bar Association Energy Committees Newsletter, May 2007.
"Contract Supports National RECs Market," Solar Today, May/Jun 2007
"On the Path to Renewable Energy Certificates Derivatives," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Apr. 2007.
Introduction and Guidance Notes, ABA/EMA/ACORE Master Renewable Energy Certificate Purchase and Sale Agreement, Feb. 2007 (with other working group members credited therein).
"Contracting for a Unified Renewable Energy Certificates Market," Environmental Finance, Nov. 2006.
"Standardizing Renewable Energy Certificates Contracting," Environmental Finance, May 2005 (with Dan Chartier).
"A Western Renewables Marketplace," Environmental Finance, Apr. 2004.
"Examining Enron's SO2 Emission Trades," Environmental Finance, Mar. 2003 (cited by the World Bank Centre for International Sustainable Development Law and the Environmental Law Reporter).
"Using the Emissions Marketing Association Master Agreement," The Emissions Trader, Mar. 2003.
"Carbon-Denominated Weather Swaps," Environmental Finance, Nov. 2001 (cited in Ali & Yano, Eco-Finance: The Legal Design and Regulation of Market-Based Environmental Instruments, 2004; doctoral theses submitted by candidates at the University of California, Berkeley and L'Universite Claude Bernard- Lyon).
"Emissions Trading: The Market as Mystic," Energy & Power Risk Management, Nov. 2000.
"Innovative Financing and Forest Conservation," Environmental Finance, Jun. 2000.
Weather Derivatives
"Carbon-Denominated Weather Swaps," Environmental Finance, Nov. 2001 (cited in Ali & Yano, Eco-Finance: The Legal Design and Regulation of Market-Based Environmental Instruments, 2004; doctoral theses submitted by candidates at the University of California, Berkeley and L'Universite Claude Bernard- Lyon).
"Weather Derivatives for Environmental Risk Management," Energy & Power Risk Management, Sep. 2001.
"Weather Derivatives for Environmental Risk Management," Energy & Power Risk Management, Sep. 2001.
Bankruptcy Law
"The Electric House," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Jan. 2009 (with Noel Trask).
"Applied Game Theory in the United Airlines Bankruptcy Case," Wilmott's Quantitative Finance Journal, Nov. 2006.
"Escape from the Island of the One-Way Termination: Expectations and Enron v. TXU," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Nov. 2004 (with Bruce MacIntyre & Fritz Henze).
"Master Netting Agreement Developments in the Energy Industry," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, May 2003 (cited in Euromoney's Documentation for Derivatives, and in the Journal of Futures Markets).
"Examining Enron's SO2 Emission Trades," Environmental Finance, Mar. 2003 (cited by the World Bank Centre for International Sustainable Development Law and the Environmental Law Reporter).
"Inside California's Power Crisis," Energy & Power Risk Management, Mar. 2001.
"Applied Game Theory in the United Airlines Bankruptcy Case," Wilmott's Quantitative Finance Journal, Nov. 2006.
"Escape from the Island of the One-Way Termination: Expectations and Enron v. TXU," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Nov. 2004 (with Bruce MacIntyre & Fritz Henze).
"Master Netting Agreement Developments in the Energy Industry," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, May 2003 (cited in Euromoney's Documentation for Derivatives, and in the Journal of Futures Markets).
"Examining Enron's SO2 Emission Trades," Environmental Finance, Mar. 2003 (cited by the World Bank Centre for International Sustainable Development Law and the Environmental Law Reporter).
"Inside California's Power Crisis," Energy & Power Risk Management, Mar. 2001.
Jurisprudence, Law and Society and the Role of Morality in Law
"Quicksand in the Hedges," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Nov. 2011.
"The Nature of the Thing," Environmental Finance, June 2011 (co-authored with Christopher Berendt).
"How the Dodd-Frank Act Will Bring Back Stagflation," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Jan. 2011.
"Applied Game Theory in the United Airlines Bankruptcy Case," Wilmott's Quantitative Finance Journal, Nov. 2006.
"What's Missing from Andrew Fastow's Indictment?," Energy & Power Risk Management, Jan. 2003 (published as "Fastow Under Investigation").
"Rethinking the Silicon Valley Cargo Cult," Wilmott's Quantitative Finance Journal, Jan. 2002.
"Regulation of Over-The-Counter Financial Derivatives," Contra Costa Lawyer, Feb. 1994.
"No Milk and Honey in Land of Worker Bees," Wall Street Journal, Feb. 1, 1990.
Reviews of WillMaker and MicoLawyer, INFO, May/Jun 1989.
"Adultery, Law, and the State: A History," 38 Hastings Law Journal 195 (Nov. 1986) cited in the following works:
"The Nature of the Thing," Environmental Finance, June 2011 (co-authored with Christopher Berendt).
"How the Dodd-Frank Act Will Bring Back Stagflation," Futures & Derivatives Law Report, Jan. 2011.
"Applied Game Theory in the United Airlines Bankruptcy Case," Wilmott's Quantitative Finance Journal, Nov. 2006.
"What's Missing from Andrew Fastow's Indictment?," Energy & Power Risk Management, Jan. 2003 (published as "Fastow Under Investigation").
"Rethinking the Silicon Valley Cargo Cult," Wilmott's Quantitative Finance Journal, Jan. 2002.
"Regulation of Over-The-Counter Financial Derivatives," Contra Costa Lawyer, Feb. 1994.
"No Milk and Honey in Land of Worker Bees," Wall Street Journal, Feb. 1, 1990.
Reviews of WillMaker and MicoLawyer, INFO, May/Jun 1989.
"Adultery, Law, and the State: A History," 38 Hastings Law Journal 195 (Nov. 1986) cited in the following works:
"Morals and the Criminal Law," PV-P, The Cambridge Student Philosophy Journal, Apr. 1983 (to which Lord Devlin unsurprisingly did not respond when sent a copy).